Monday 8 December 2014

Find A Coding Buddy To Make Learning Easier And More Fun

There are plenty of resources for learning code, but none is better than a real person who can explain concepts to you, logic brainstorming with you and answer questions for you. That is why, if you are an experienced programmer or a beginner, you should get a co-coding.

Coding with another person will help you learn a new language more efficiently. Not only have a knowledgeable give you the backup you need to figure out a language, but also gives you someone to teach, it's a great way of learning companion. Belle night of his life, developer exist, explains why she finds her mate so valuable coding:

      I have yet to find a method of learning that better than having a real person to talk to.

      My co-founder Josh, who is primarily a Python developer, has practically learned Objective-C by me thanks to my many theoretical align programming questions ("How does a statement whether the job again?") And help with debugging when I'm really stuck.

      At least, having a fellow patient coding that can explain the fundamentals of programming is a big help. Josh often help me think through the most logical way to approach a problem, before I resolve the details of in Objective-C.

Having a partner could be the difference between learning to code in a few months and learn to code in a few weeks.

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